Report: Impacts of IDB Invest and IFC investments in Pronaca
Stop Financing Factory Farming
1st June '23

This report, from campaign member CEDENMA, documents the significant historical and current negative environmental and social impacts of Pronaca’s factory farms and slaughterhouses on the Indigenous and other communities and natural resources of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Quito.
Pronaca (Procesadora Nacional De Alimentos C.A.) is a long-time client of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). These banks are supposed to advance equitable, sustainable development. However, as this report shows, both banks have failed to effectively apply key Environmental and Social Performance Standards (PS) as their policies require.
IFC and IDB Invest’s recent loans to expand Pronaca’s polluting factory farms create new threats to environment, animal welfare, and the health of communities, especially the Tsáchilas indigenous peoples.
We hope this study helps IFC and IDB Invest staff to deepen their knowledge, accept responsibility for the impacts of their investments, and take appropriate measures to address and mitigate them.
Download and read the short, executive summary below. Read more here.