Stop Financing Factory Farming Coalition Launches Major Effort at World Bank Annual Meetings to Demand End to Industrial Livestock Financing

Stop Financing Factory Farming
21st October '24

For immediate release:
October 21, 2024

Holly Shulman for Stop Financing Factory Farming
[email protected], +1-603-715-4321

Washington, D.C. – At this year’s World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings, the Stop Financing Factory Farming (S3F) coalition has launched a major campaign to urge global leaders to recognize the harmful impact of the World Bank Group’s continued funding of industrial livestock, which directly undermines its own climate commitments.

In 2023 alone, development banks and international financial institutions invested a staggering $2.27 billion into industrial livestock production—one of the highest-polluting sectors. This financing stands in direct opposition to the World Bank’s stated goals to combat climate change and its mission to “end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet.”

At the Annual Meetings, S3F is calling for the World Bank to immediately halt financing the expansion of factory farming and to redirect its investments toward sustainable, climate-friendly food systems. S3F has deployed a range of high-impact tactics alongside the Annual Meetings to drive home the urgency of its message:

“The World Bank talks a big game about climate action, but its investments tell a different story. By pouring billions into one of the most environmentally destructive sectors—industrial livestock production—the Bank is undermining its own climate goals, said Stop Financing Factory Farming Program Manager Ashley Schaeffer Yildiz. “We are demanding that the World Bank put its money where its mouth is, stop financing factory farming, and shift its investments to sustainable food systems that protect our planet and people. Anything less is a failure by the Bank to meet its own commitments and fulfill its mission.”


About Stop Financing Factory Farming (S3F): The Stop Financing Factory Campaign works in partnership with locally affected communities and organizations to shift development finance away from industrial livestock production. Campaign Steering Committee members include: the Bank Information Center, Friends of the Earth U.S., the Global Forest Coalition, International Accountability Project (Early Warning System), Sinergia Animal, and World Animal Protection.

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